Only you | Teen Ink

Only you

March 25, 2009
By cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hey, hey baby
Tell me one thing
Why do we spend so much time alone?
When we have a love that sticks to the bone
A heart for a heart
There’s no reason to be apart
Because when we’re hand in hand
Baby, I’m flying with no intention to land
After all, never is just another form of forever
Your dazzling smile and sparkling eyes
Light up my darkest skies
You make my past something to be proud of
After all, it led me to the greatest of all loves
It led me to you
I never thought you would say it
Say that you love me
No, never thought you’d say it again
It stops my heart, every time you say it
Every time you look me in the eyes and we both just know
So tell me baby, where is this going to go?
As long as you love me, we’ll find a way
So baby, hear all the things I’m afraid to say
Don’t let me go
Don’t let me not know
Teach me how to love
Because I’ve never found a way I’m sure of
Because if anyone can show me
Baby, it’s you
If anyone can love me
Baby, there’s only you
Because when I walk into a room
It’s only you
When you leave me
It’s breathless by dazzle
Your touch, electrifies my skin
Your voice makes my day
And I really don’t know what else to say

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