She's me | Teen Ink

She's me

March 25, 2009
By cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s just a girl with scars on her body
And bruises on her heart
And I’m just a girl trying to figure out who she is
And what tore her apart
She looks so happy and yet so sad
She’s losing the sparkle she once had
So alone, beaten and broken
She blindly searches for love
Running so fast, looking for one last token
To get her out of this place and to the clouds above
She wants out, she’s had enough
She’s tired of pretending to be tough
She wants to know why it never stops
Why she feels like she’s doing a play
And the razor is just for props
And she realizes she has no reason to stay
The blood flows, and it doesn’t even look real
But the scars never have time to heal
She doesn’t even cry
As she says good bye
And I look in a mirror, wondering who to be
All I know is she, is me.

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