Love Poem to Thunderstorm | Teen Ink

Love Poem to Thunderstorm

March 23, 2009
By Dana Coleman BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Dana Coleman BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are the handsome fellow
Tossing rocks at my window.
You are the young maiden
Watering the lilacs and buttercups in the garden.

The wind whipping the shutters
Making me want to cuddle up with my dog
By the fireplace with a
Hook-you-til-the-last-sentence novel.

As I dance in your arms,
The paparazzi snap photos of us,
Just like walking down the red carpet,
In a raincoat, of course.

All of a sudden, I'm at a bowling alley.
The angels are rolling the ball down the lane
Gaining a perfect score.

I count the seconds
A raging howl of victory,
Finally defeating the sunshine,
The dry heat,
The hatred.

Your power splits trees in half,
Ignites entire fields on fire,
And makes children weep at night.

You water the plants,
Melt the snow,
And wash away dirt, grime, and sin.
Your playful wind dies down,
Your tears of laughter cease,

And then, in the distance
I see a vibrant, endless

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