Adrenaline Rising | Teen Ink

Adrenaline Rising

March 23, 2009
By Anonymous

Refreshing sunrays bliss the small town with warmth and happiness.
That tall oak stands there in the park bringing back memories, closed up, shut.
I climbed every limb of that tree to its very tiptop.
Comfortable chaos describes everything from its beginning to its end.
I was fifteen.

Still standing, woodsy and rough with crackling leaves changing; they became unbearable.
Unaffectionate moments ruined me with aggression I never thought co-existed inside me.
Bombs of adrenaline took out everything; everything stained in my life.
My translucent moments, vanished, gone.
I was fifteen.

Dark and so mysterious, my black out saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
Life’s changing spectacular came down on me, friendly, with a new atmosphere,
so soothing and pleasant; new people, so sweet and compassionate.
Before you knew it, my sticky life turned upside down and created that tiny light I was looking for-- high school.
I was fifteen.

From true love to true friends, the unexpected life expectedly happened.
Golden-brown leaves fell through winter, showing a sign of laughter.
Overtime, primavera comes today into tomorrow, and I realized I‘d never be mad again.
Indeed, the tall oak doesn’t throw away the past I wish I never had, but lets the present flow its course to my psychedelic future.
Fifteen cannot be extended any longer, but the rest of my life will.

The author's comments:
This Poem shows a style with the age perspective of a fifteen year old and personification is used also on a tall oak tree.

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