5 ways poem | Teen Ink

5 ways poem

June 14, 2017
By heritage BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
heritage BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don't want to tell her that this isn't going to be easy to cure.
As I get ready to perform the surgery, I stay hopeful.

I wish she could just come home already, it's hard taking care of the kids by myself
It's hard to explain why their mommy can't come home and it makes me sad to see that they miss her so much.

I don't know why my mommy won't come home, daddy says she's sick but she's been sick for a long time and i when i get sick it only lasts for a couple days, I hope she gets better soon, daddy doesnt know how to put my hair in a pony tail.

Dear god, please let my daughter walk out of the hospital and join her husband and kids again, her kids cannot grow up with their mom.

Everyday I go in the room and bring her food but she doesn’t want to eat, I tell her she has to because she can’t take her pills on an empty stomach. When she finally eats she feels nauseous and I wait for her to fall asleep before I go home.

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