Diet Test | Teen Ink

Diet Test

June 7, 2017
By Cemini BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cemini BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seeing myself in the mirror I thought a diet wouldn't do me any harm.  Losing a few kilos should be helpful, overweight could cause some alarm.  First I tried a weight watcher's diet, so many foods were allowed, even chocolate, so I called it my chocolate but I gained a few more that I thought.
Another said drink lots of water which helps to flush toxins away, I soon gave up doing that diet,
cause I sat on the toilet half the day. Then I read about eating low carb, high protein, no bread allowed
….Well I made a sandwich while I read about it and put on a few more pounds.
After a few weeks on low carb diet things didn't work out the right way it was the opposite of the water diet, it clogged me up every day.  Maybe a high carb one would be better, though no sugar or sweets like before, bread and cream were back on the menu, but my sweet tooth took over once more.
I'm finished with all those fad diets, found a balanced one holds the key, for a bar of chocolate in both hands is a well-balanced diet for me!


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