Cheesy Love | Teen Ink

Cheesy Love

March 20, 2009
By Dallas Young BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Dallas Young BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cheese steak is delicious
Without Debate, this food is an all star as amazing as Lebron James.
The cheese steak is a two point layup
It is like a king, that makes your taste buds sing
Oh cheese steak I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Tasty, Tangy, and Terrific.
It looks like a beautiful sunset sitting on a plate.
The taste is like yum yum delicious on a hot sunny day.
Lip smack’ in noise of cheesy love.
Smooth like a babies bottom.
Like a pot of gold, it feels so good to me.
Thank you for helping me in all of my times of hunger.
You have taught me to eat meats, only like you.
The chubby guy in The Contender, he liked you too.
My pal, my gal, my meaty sow. I thank thou.
You are the best, my all star food.

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