Jacob, Act 3, Scene 1 | Teen Ink

Jacob, Act 3, Scene 1

March 20, 2009
By Anonymous

To write or not to write, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler to suffer the slashes and red dashes of an outraged teacher,
Or to take the cursor to a sea of fubbles,
And by erasing delete them.
To nap, to sleep, to write no more.
And by a nap, to say we end the headache of a thousand word essay, on a topic yet unknown.
Tis a decision not to be dismissed.
To write, to nap,
To nap per chance to dream.
Well, there’s the choice
For during that nap, what dreams may come, when we have avoided this essay’s toil.
Must give us pause to consider. Our responsibilities, those of middle school strife. For what student, wants poor grades and the scorn of teachers, administrators, or fellow students’ insults.
The loss of love, or college delayed.
College delayed, college missed, opportunity lost.
When I myself make this momentous decision, in a moment of weakness, what impact it has.
To groan and sweat under a dreary life.
But that is the dread of something after my nap, the avoided essay, from which changes life, future altered, anxiety endured.
This makes me think, better to write the essay, than bear the wrath of a future altered. Thus conscience makes cowards of us all.
My decision made, write the essay with little choice, knowing the impact of this moment.
An essay I write, with little or no impact, another assignment completed, filed amongst uninspired prose. Nap delayed… consider you now, thy fair educator… in your mind be all my efforts remembered.

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This article has 1 comment.

Filip BRONZE said...
on Jan. 2 2011 at 6:50 pm
Filip BRONZE, London, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I love this! Really made me laugh