Quiet Whispers | Teen Ink

Quiet Whispers

May 11, 2017
By GraceC99 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
GraceC99 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gracefully poised is Joséphine Gaujelin. Awaiting
Her cue at the

The start of a new eight count.
Quietly waiting to express the next

In the next phase, her steps dance along with the melody.
Swaying this way and that--- standing out against the rest.

Anxiously adjusting the cotton in the tip of the silk pointe shoes,
Head against the wall,
Secret whispers in the shadows of the room.

Where is the ease found in Joséphine?
Intensity and focus consume
All. All except her.

The author's comments:

This poem is a respone poem to Edgar Degas' "The Dancing Class."

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