New Constellations | Teen Ink

New Constellations

May 9, 2017
By hewitag BRONZE, Hatfield, Pennsylvania
hewitag BRONZE, Hatfield, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aurora was the shining light
Between the stars, she danced
Carina, her mother, ran away into the night
Damned by heartbreak, she promised to never love another soul
(Even though we all spread lies sometimes)

Fate was never Aurora’s partner in crime
Galaxies full of stars and nothing could claim her broken heart
Her dreams were now under lock and key
Incaged with her demons, her light started to lose its flame

Jupiter questioned his daughter’s stupidity
Knowledge was filled in the minds of noblemen at their door
Love was not going to be given to boring constellations
Mocking her suitors, Aurora sent them away with tears on the floor

No man was the fit for our beautiful glow
Orion wasn’t the match for her broken heart
Possibly, Jupiter’s daughter would never find love
Questioned with possibilities, Aurora’s light started to fade very slowly

Running away, Aurora was trying to keep her light alive
She searched for other stars to keep her heart enflamed
To feel the love she felt before, the girl had to search for someone to make her heart feel awhirl
Unlucky in her discoveries, the light started to lose its unique touch

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