Me Tarzan, You Jane | Teen Ink

Me Tarzan, You Jane

March 10, 2017
By AMSMueller BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
AMSMueller BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Record temperatures.
Recording tapes.
Re-cording tv wirebraids.
Spontaneous was normal, but this one
meant something for once.
Jungle of cords in jungle heat,
recording Tarzan.
Special was not braggable, thinking over
moments spent forwarding openings.
I’m sorry your Tarzan got tangled.
“Jane offer charisma, inspiration.
Jane have increasing sadness.
Your Tarzan waves,
but gifts tapes.”

The author's comments:

I enjoy writing poetry that excuses the conventions of poetry in place of my own. Understandably, that statement means little to nothing in one the artistic fields known for it's variety and lack of dependecy on basic priniciples it itself has imbued on art as a whole, but to my knowledge, not many have entertained the scheme I have implemented in this piece. I wrote this piece with the idea of pure alliteration in mind, having every line repeat, in one way or another, a certain pattern of letters at the beginning of words. There are only seven of these patterns, and some receive more attention than others, such as the set of R-T in the beginning and middle. The rest of the patterns consist of: W-B, S-W-N-B-T-O, M-S-F-O, J-O-C-I-J-H, G-F, and I-S-Y-T-G-T. 

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