Hide Away | Teen Ink

Hide Away

March 8, 2017
By LilySnow BRONZE, Overlandpark , Kansas
LilySnow BRONZE, Overlandpark , Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A little ladybug crawled across a  tough tomato leaf.
Water drops rolled off the cucumbers.
To the little ants crawling across the specks of dirt the garden must have been a jungle.
The leafy foliage shaded from the sun.
Hiding the wet forest floor.

Life is springing up everywhere you look.
The carrot tops are like little shrubs in a jungle.
Little hideaways for mice.
Cucumbers are like fallen trees consumed in green moss.
The tomatoes are climbing high
and up like big thick vines.

In the middle pools the rain water.
The plants
the cool ocean of blue.
Finally the little ladybug found safety under that tomato leaf.
In the big quiet jungle.

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