Spanish Lace and Love | Teen Ink

Spanish Lace and Love

March 15, 2009
By Ashleigh Robinson BRONZE, Dimondale, Michigan
Ashleigh Robinson BRONZE, Dimondale, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For these I am spent:
Queen's tales with tattered endings;
Treasure earned by lives cost;
Beginnings without resolution;
And, the better by bees bossed.
And ever more-so by hidden ruse
Aye, watch, for sharp spires bruise
Shrouded by names beautifully bloomed above
Like Spanish Lace and Love.

Where red should be woven glimmers gold thread
And the spinner is careful to dye black threads gray
And something is made of substance naught
Now mind confined to lesser, stays
The heart chokes on words swallowed hard
The mind with smiles dumbly lit
For one feels Truth's hammer hack
The other happy by guiding bit.

But I've seen the Dunes hold to roots, their mother
The grasses gossip about the sea
With prying wind in constant struggle
So upright they may always be.
And slow are moments observing dull earth
Entrapping seedlings, pulsing, scared
Then beating, shoving, burrowing
Break shell and ground to sun and air

After trials there thrives delight
Quickly forgotten are pain and blight,
It's the blossom the simple speak eloquently of
Like Spanish Lace and Love

The wisest see both hither and far
But Simples strum on their guitars
Flawed are their lyrics by misconceptions
They see no compass, look one direction.
They dote over brilliance
Purr forever affection
Ignorant — with devotion
Can bud destruction!
By their words be not mislead
They want butter —but you need bread!
They sing the head, ignore the rear
They'd trade week's water for a bucket of beer.

Yet, know— I see not all things gray or piercing
I do not judge all things so fiercely!
For I'd be as stupid as a stone
To think life better ventured alone.
Within walls fringed with Spanish Lace
And those enveloped by Love's embrace
Protection is powered to greatest strength
Satisfaction holds firmly highest rank.

So know what with splendor will also be born
The water's charming, but is it warm?
To see colored arches there must brew a storm
Enjoy, but consider yourself forewarned:
With beauty there is always struggle
Accept, expect that you may juggle
Despair to delight, all the above
Like Spanish Lace, and— like in Love.

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This article has 1 comment.

emaiklromeo said...
on Mar. 30 2009 at 4:01 pm
Incredibly amazing. If only there we six stars available.