WE....US...... ONE... | Teen Ink

WE....US...... ONE...

March 15, 2009
By PeacenLove BRONZE, Cassopolis, Michigan
PeacenLove BRONZE, Cassopolis, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your Hair
Your Touch
The scent of the room after you leave.
Why do I miss these things?
We said our goodbyes.
We shed our tears.
We gave back eachother's belongings.
Why do I continuously say we?
WE are no longer one.
WE are no longer together.
WE no longer exists.
Yet, if I do not say it, I am empty.
Perhaps You and I are still one.
Perhaps You and I are together.
Perhaps You and I do exist.
Maybe You and I, should still be WE, US, ONE.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by something that one of my friend's were going through. They and the partner manted to be seperated, It just seemed that fate wouldn't aloow it.

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