How I Learned To Fly | Teen Ink

How I Learned To Fly

February 3, 2017
By Anonymous

I didn’t know to learn to fly, I’d have to peel myself off the ground countless times.
I guess that just goes to show how little I know about real world woes.

I didn’t know the first time I met him that I had other options.
I guess no one ever taught me what to look out for, or that I had the right to walk out the door

I didn’t know the way he treated me was anything but love
I guess there should a textbook on the difference between a hiss and a kiss or a choke and a hug

The women all around me never say anything, does that mean I shouldn’t say anything, and we let him do everything because it’s really nothing?

I didn’t know the things he says were for anything but my own good

Be yourself, just keep it quiet. You can speak your mind, just stay silent, actually
Shut your mouth, stay in the kitchen, know your place, GODDAMNIT WOMEN!

Still, retribution comes again and again from the back of his hand, I don't understand, but I've learned my lesson.

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