Fantasy | Teen Ink


March 21, 2009
By Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bad idea number one hundred and two
Throwing my feelings onto you
Just so I don't throw them on someone else
With liking you there is no doubt in myself
You won't ever like me the way I like you
That's so simple but it makes me kind of blue
I can see this entire situation played out
The way this whole thing will end up going down
I will end up actually falling for the charm
And you won't have those feelings for me oh darn
I know what I am doing in this moment in time
Setting myself up for heartbreak
Just not to wonder what could be mine
But I can already feel myself
Wanting and hoping for something else
More than what you want to see
I already know in my head that there will never be
Anything between you and me
But somewhere inside my heart wants more
Something beyond what I've settled for
Placing my feelings on you just isn't great
I know I will want for you and me to date
In the end I'll end up crying out my eyes
For I know in my mind you'll never be my guy
I can wish I can dream
I can try to believe
That I actually have a fair chance to achieve
The guy that is currently invading my dreams
I suppose that for me you'll always be
The one boy I'm only near when I'm asleep
You'll always be the guy
I can only have in my fantasy

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This article has 1 comment.

Miaoru said...
on Mar. 27 2009 at 2:29 pm
Miaoru, Sunnyside, New York
0 articles 0 photos 57 comments
I feel like this sometimes! Amazing word choice and clear voice!