My Life as a Symphony | Teen Ink

My Life as a Symphony

March 14, 2009
By Alicia Penton BRONZE, Newport, Tennessee
Alicia Penton BRONZE, Newport, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am like a song. And my strength is like a piano.
Each step of my life leaves a different mark on me and who I am, just like each key of the piano leaves a different sound ringing in the air.
Sometimes I trip and fall or make wrong decisions, that leave me bent and bruised on the ground. Just like sometimes my fingers become clumsy on the keys of the piano, and that one wrong note can linger in the air.
But when these times come, I pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep my fingers gliding over those keys without thinking twice about it.

I am like a song. My struggles are like the chords being strummed on a guitar.
Just like fingers on the strings, life can wear me down.
And at times, I can get worn so thin that I break.
But I just pull out a new string, put it in place, and keep strumming away at the melody of life.
And just like hardened, callused fingers on a guitar, time takes a toll on me, too. I get worn down, and toughened up.
But no matter what happens, there is always beauty that flows from it.

I am like a song. My love and compassion are like the beat of a drum.
Sometimes it's soft and slow, and lingering in the background.
While at other times it's loud and full of energy.
But regardless of the time, place, or persons involved, it is always there.
And just as the drum keeps the song in rhythm and together with the rest of the instruments...
My love for others keeps my life in sync. It is the backbone of it all.

I am like a song. And my life is a symphony.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 25 2009 at 2:36 am
TyroneBiggums, Las Angelos, California
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I don't think i've ever heard of anyone comparing them in such a manner. To an a piano? But i can truly see how you are much like one. I was very drawn to it and it's metaphor was something new. I suppose we all are a bit 'out of tune' but we all need a bit work, no?


I liked it. Keep it up.