"Silence" Thoughts | Teen Ink

"Silence" Thoughts

January 6, 2017
By Asher3204 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Asher3204 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I felt lonely whie reading this poem. Even though I agree with what it says, I couldn't help but feel sad as I read it. To some, silence is a curse, but to thers it is a blessing. No one should be comfortable with the silence that surrounds them. Kids these days think they have it so hard, but what about the people who grew up with no one? Are people that ignorant to their surroundings that they can't see people hurting right in front of them? Silence should not be a language to some but it is, wether we like it or not. The people who speak silence and understand it know what it's like have nothing, more like no one. That's why they will soon be scared of the silence they are so used to.

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