Sugar Sickness | Teen Ink

Sugar Sickness

March 11, 2009
By georgina cannie SILVER, Needham, Massachusetts
georgina cannie SILVER, Needham, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've died a million times.
like mercury.
But you know I'm not dead.
you know where iv been.

You watched me while
I blew smoke rings
and bubbles.
you knew.
I was strung out on old stars.

You saw my favorite release.
My sugar sickness.

You followed me when I lay down
in magic poppy fields.
You traced me while I slept.

I made everyone else believe
the vinyl storm swallowed me whole.

But you knew I was still here-
swallowing strawberry pills
and dropping kiwi acid,
under the crust of the horizon.

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