A Twist Among Happiness | Teen Ink

A Twist Among Happiness

March 10, 2009
By SHaTTeReD_MiRRoR BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
SHaTTeReD_MiRRoR BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why must I like the one
The one I know I can never have
Why must I be so undeserving
So undeserving of her grace
She is utterly perfect
Yet I am broken
She is golden and polished
While I am tarnished and forgotten
Why must she be the one
The one that brings me hope
And yet my feelings pain me inside
For I know I don't stand a chance
Not with such a perfect being
She is a Goddess
And I am a mere peasant
Begging for a chance

The author's comments:
this poem was inspired by a girl i have been crushing on for quite some time, but i dont really have a chance with her. i don't really think she will ever like me or think of me the way i think of her. due to the surcumstance the title suits this poem because though i may be happy when i see her, my feelings for her hurt. witch creates a twist in my moments of being near her

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