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March 10, 2009
By Lindsay_Lue BRONZE, Texas City, Texas
Lindsay_Lue BRONZE, Texas City, Texas
4 articles 3 photos 1 comment

How good are you oh god?

Doubt is just a lack of faith.

And lack of faith is just a lack of


So when we don't have faith, we are

ignorant to what you are oh god.

You are our creator, our father, our

refuge and strength, you are


If you are our everything then why

do we doubt you?

We see what you can do, and all you

have done in this world.

Why do we forsake you god?

Why do we turn our backs on you when

we know you are our everything?

We are nothing without you.

We need you, we can't do you

anything without you.

You are our everything.

The author's comments:
I specifically wrote this one night when i had doubt about what a miracle God has and will do in my life and i hope you'll enjoy it :) comment please i need feedback thanks

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