Were You Thinking? | Teen Ink

Were You Thinking?

March 7, 2009
By angel2k11 SILVER, Yona, Other
angel2k11 SILVER, Yona, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What were you thinking?
When you packed your bags
When you walked out the door
When you took off
When you left those who loved you

What were your thoughts?

What were you thinking?
When you left your kids
When you left your home
When you left your life
When you left your place as a wife

What were your reasons?

What were you thinking?
When you disappeared from my life
When you just up and went
When you left me hanging
My young heart longing for her hero

What were your motives?

What were you thinking?
When you never called back
When you just ignored my messages
When you brushed me off
Your leaving hurt me too!

What were you thinking?

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