everything blue | Teen Ink

everything blue

October 23, 2016
By Hailc BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Hailc BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow with out a little rain.

Everywhere you look there is the color blue. 

The Sky, the Ocean, and sometimes even you. 

Wherever you look its there.

Just siting and waiting to comfort you. 

Blue is your mother on your porch swing. 

holding your crying face in her warm arms. 

Blue is your teachers. 

Teaching you how to not do worng. 

Blue is yur favorite color, and you can not deny.

That blue makes everything better even if you don't try. 

But one day the blue will disappear. 

And it might just be clear. 

Everything you worked for is gone. 

Nothing is the same. 

There will be no one to blame but you. 

When blue is gone. 

Your not going to want to say anything. 

So remember this now and forever. 

You should of grabbed on while you still had a chance. 

Because now eveything is going to change. 

The author's comments:

In poem im trying to talk about something important, and how you must hang on to it or it well slip right through you fingers. 

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