It Started With a Buzz | Teen Ink

It Started With a Buzz

October 17, 2016
By Dude-bro BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Dude-bro BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A quiet sound
Talking all around
There it was again
He looked over
“Do you hear that?” he asked
Then suddenly…...BOOM!
He jerked forward,
His head smashed against the seat
The snapping and stretching of the fabric,
The thump of his skull hitting the metal,
The CRaCK of the plastic as his shoulder hit it
He cradles his shoulder like a mother cradles a baby
The throbbing pain dulling his senses
He looks up
Screaming and yelling
The faint outline of a flight attendant
“Sir, sir are you alright?”
The speaker
“Everyone stay calm, everything is under control, please buckle in, if you can’t please ask your seat partner, just a malfunction.”
“We are going down!”
Gray 2
He left on the speaker
“Were all going to die!” a woman yells
“Wahhhhhhh!”cries a baby
“Everyone settle down!” He yells
He starts to get up, a hand grabs me, I push it off
The engine running like it? hauling the earth
The wing blazing like the fire of death itself
He looks out, clouds, enough time
He runs to the back, no parachutes
“Not enough time!” the captain yells
He looks out the window, tree’s, TREE’S!
OOOO! Dad the main character can’t die!”
“It’s how it’s written.”
“Well, i’m tired, i? going to go to bed.”
“Good night son.”
“Good night dad.”

The author's comments:

A poem of a dad, a son, and a movie.

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