Dreams and Nightmares | Teen Ink

Dreams and Nightmares

March 3, 2009
By sammix3lee BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
sammix3lee BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The way you look when you sleep is so peaceful,
I want that in my dreams.
My dreams are nightmares that usually come true,
All because of my hidden feelings for you.
You love my best friend,
Oh how I desire to ruin that love and make you a liar.
Do not tell me of these feelings you have for her,
It hurts so bad to know I can't have you.
I try and move on but in the back of my mind,
All I can see is your face next to mine.
I want to be yours I wish it would come true,
But wishes are for fools, I bid them ado.
I will never get to tell you my dreams,
For they will only be a secret for me.
My nightmare is my reality and now your walking out the door,
My heart aches and breaks to know you'll call her more.
I need to move on, I need to get strong for now is the only way I can unlock the door into my dreams and escape these nightmares.
If your gone, they will no longer be there.

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This article has 1 comment.

mandygale77 said...
on Sep. 20 2009 at 11:39 am
That's beautiful. It expresses so greatly the kind of emotions that come with that sort of situation...great job!