Ode to my best friend | Teen Ink

Ode to my best friend

September 15, 2016
By Grace_51602 BRONZE, Toulca, Illinois
Grace_51602 BRONZE, Toulca, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, best friend
From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one
The one that would be there when I down
The one that’s my ride or die
We have our ups and downs but we always find our way back together
Your there when I’m feeling blue
Your there when I’m red, but I know it’s okay cause your there to calm me
We are always together arguing or not
200 snapchat days down the road, still more to go
You make me angry at times but I know I’ll have to talk to you sooner or later
I make you angry but I know you’ll come around in the end
Your my best friend the job became open and you took it
My best friend is irreplaceable

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