I am | Teen Ink

I am

March 1, 2009
By joanne BRONZE, Chillicothe, Ohio
joanne BRONZE, Chillicothe, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from that little box that everyone says big packages come in, but who ever said I had to stay in that little box.
I am from a split family with a runaway father and a broken mother who found love and made my life unique.
I am from opaque dreams that carry me away to far off places that I have been once before.
I am from that sweet sound floating through the air makes her instrument sing the sweetest of songs.
I am from orange and brown and red and yellow crinkles below my feet as I take my first breath in this world.
I am from high up places that I take that leap of faith, falling so far and so fast but I am caught and brought back up once again.
I am from music blaring through the walls of the place I call home.
I am from a white canvas and yet have many colors.
I am from the layers of the earth with so many suprises in store around every bend.

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