Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow

March 1, 2009
By Evan Yi BRONZE, Little Rock, Arkansas
Evan Yi BRONZE, Little Rock, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Did you hear what happened last week on the Alabama streets,
One of those black folk stole a white man's seat,
Now she's in a cold prison cell wounded and beat,
All she did was try to make ends meet.

Did you hear what happened on the bridge yesterday,
He said "I have a dream", we were all amazed,
Too bad that by the next hour he was shot by a coward that Satan devoured,
Now we're all afraid to sleep, cause we'll die in our dreams.

But things are different,
Wake up America, its time to dream again,
Time to step off the shooting range,
Let peace rule for a change.

Did you hear what happened today?
Dug up that pit of remorse, fought off the devil with a pen,
Stand together, its a new day, its a new dawn,
Its time for change.

Tomorrow we'll never know,
Ride forward, but let peace hold the reins,
Don't live in vain,
Don't die in pain...make a difference.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to Barack Obama!

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