Assumption | Teen Ink


February 28, 2009
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Looking on at this person infront of you
A phlegmatic look rests over her face
As if she were born with no heart at all
Nothing you do phases her
Often you see a look of depression
Or even fear
Happiness is a rarity
Do I make her happy?
Do I make her heart skip beats?
You constantly ask yourself
Worry washed over your heart
While a need for understanding was washing over hers
If I make her as happy as she says,
Why does her smile not grace my prescence?
Heartbreak becomes you're friend
Because the one you love
Shows nothing but a blank stare
As you profess to her this very emotion
Has she a stone where her heart should be?
You leave her
To find emotion
To find feeling
To find a heart
Little did you know that there was a heart within her all along
Stuck in cautious thoughts
You never stopped to notice the small things
You assumed the unsaid.

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