Only a Dream | Teen Ink

Only a Dream

February 12, 2009
By Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
remember remember the 5th of november, gunpowder treason and plot, i see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot.

Sitting in the dark.
I listen all around.
I here no one awake. I get up without a sound.
Their breathing makes me shiver.
Breathing in my loves scent.
I follow it to his bedside.
And away the hunger went.
I longed to touch his face.
Glowing in the moonlight, his skin looked smooth and pale.
Laying so still he looked older, but yet, frail.
Slowly, slowly, I touched my lips to his.
His eyes opened, and he didn't end the kiss.
He took my hand from the side of the bed, and put it to his chest.
I could feel his heart pounding, matching mines own tune.
He touched my cheek with his finger tip.
Looking into my eyes.
Telling me without words that he loved me.
He pushes my hair over my shoulder, and kisses my bare neck.
He smiles at my shiver, and begins to bite.
Then he stands up, and takes me to the night.
We fly through to the woods, to his special place.
He touches my hair, stroking.
Then softly touches my face.
He closes his eyes and listens to my strong heart race.
He takes me to the river, an takes me deeply in.
He pulls me close and whispers he wishes we would never end.
His eyes turn from brown to green.
Happiness I see in the moonlights sheen.
His hair sparkles with the waters green crystals.
I'm amazed by my loves beauty.
He seems amazed by me.
He kisses me again, and I realize,
this is all a dream.

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