Lines Composed On the Lakeshore | Teen Ink

Lines Composed On the Lakeshore

March 2, 2009
By Angelo Cataldo BRONZE, Lorain, Ohio
Angelo Cataldo BRONZE, Lorain, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some years have passed; far too long it has been.
Since I've seen this spot where I used to lay.
I look around as someone with a past
Who knows the feelings of love and of loss,
And it's been so long since I've seen this place
And experienced the warmth it brings me.
Like seeing a lover after a time
Of wishing and waiting to meet again.
This place will always have a part of me;
A part that some people may never know.
At this lake I feel like a child again.
The crash of the waves, the whispers of wind
Remind me of how all things used to be.
A golden sun sets over the water,
Which reflects it like a thousand diamonds.
The nearby trees sway as if they could dance,
As if they smile and tell me "Welcome back."
A picturesque view of birds in the sky
Glide through the wind as if they are weightless.
My spirit soars with the birds overhead,
And in this rare moment I feel happy.
As if the wind blows away my worries.
As if the water washes out my sins.
This place frees me from my self made prison.
This place breaks my chains and gives me wings.
Joyous memories pour into my head
As countless as all of the beach's sand
I feel as if I'm part of the water.
I feel at home with the rocks and the trees.
When I'm here I don't need any answers.
When I'm here it seems to make perfect sense.
I'm at peace with myself and with the world,
And all my problems up and disappear.
It takes me away from all of the madness
That creeps up my spine and haunts me through night.
I feel like this is where I'm meant to be.
But now a storm gathers inside of me
And the weight of the world comes crashing down.
As I breathe in thick air my lungs grow cold.
The wind whips my face and I feel the pain.
A sense of dread and of sorrow grips at my heart.
Grains of sand drift away like sands of time.
My life flashes before my weary eyes.
I wish I could just rewind and go back
But I can't and its all so different now
Because this place also opens a wound
And it carries that old familiar sting.
It comes from me remembering everything.
I remember the sorrow of this place.
I remember the loss of ones I loved.
It has changed who I am on the inside.
And I don't know if ill ever go back.
Now I ask myself, what have I become?
Because I try to fight this feeling
That everything good fades away to dark.
But as I sit and think about this thought,
The darkness inside me begins to fade.
The dual nature of this place makes me think
Of all the good times along with the bad.
A new sense of calm washes over me.
The sun begins to set over the lake.
I realize that it isn't over.
Every ending in life brings a new beginning:
An opportunity to start over.
I feel like the darkness had purpose;
Like it helped me find my way to the light.
As I stare into newly calmed waters,
I feel reborn, renewed and at peace.
I feel a sense of purpose and of joy;
A deep appreciation of life
And everything I've experienced.
A sublime experience of rebirth.
I dive into the lake and I'm at peace.

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