Freedom-in just a few steps. | Teen Ink

Freedom-in just a few steps.

February 26, 2009
By gahhclaudia SILVER, Pepper Pike, Ohio
gahhclaudia SILVER, Pepper Pike, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Think back (okay).
Close your eyes (I did),
Relax your shoulders (alright)
and open your mind (always).
Can you see it?
Do you feel it?
Can you taste it?
I can, and I hate it.

Place it in your mouth,
That's right- drop it right in,
Similar to those pills you hate to swallow.
Let it sink on your tongue,
Have your taste buds analyze,
Taste the millions of flavors,
Exciting, scary, fresh-
Tastes like an old book you haven't opened in years,
Or maybe the light air after a summer rain.
It's familiar, yet you've never had this sensation before.

You're there.
You're back where you wanted to be.
Open your mind (always)
Dream your dreams,
Live your lie,
Free your spirit.

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