Weapons of Mass Destruction | Teen Ink

Weapons of Mass Destruction

February 24, 2009
By aon hasnain BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
aon hasnain BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cigarettes kill
Yet thousands have yet to realize this
Until their addiction has escalated up the hill
And are living in a dark abyss
But when their demise was nil
They will be the ones, who we all will miss

But that is not it
We found his brother drinking alcohol
Vodka, whiskey, wine, beer, is just a small list
He went to a party, having a ball
Until he was driving his red corvette
And his family received, the unbearable call

Heroine, why, just why
Injecting yourself, thinking you feel good
But this feeling, isn't a normal high
Going on drug binges, staying in motels in the hood
But whey your buds find you, needles everywhere, they sigh
Thinking, we will all miss you dude

The author's comments:
After listening to countless rock albums where musicians have died as a result of drugs, it inspired me to write this poem. Also the title was a creative play on the phrase, weapons of mass destruction where society is being destroyed not just by war, but by drugs/alcohol.

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