I Am? | Teen Ink

I Am?

February 24, 2009
By Gabrielle Fontenot SILVER, Alexandria, Louisiana
Gabrielle Fontenot SILVER, Alexandria, Louisiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am certain and unsure
I wonder what to expect
I hear the present
I see the past
I want to be okay
I am certain and unsure

I pretend to know what I want
I feel nervous and on the edge
I touch the mirror and gaze at the potential
I worry what the future holds
I cry for the indistinctness of what's to come
I am certain and unsure

I understand I will overcome
I say let's make the most of tomorrow
I dream about the future
I try to think positive
I hope I will be as great as I know I can be
I am certain and unsure

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