Flowers of Insignificance | Teen Ink

Flowers of Insignificance

May 20, 2016
By soybun BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
soybun BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Plucking out flowers, she placed them in her hair
Hoping their beauty would rid her of despair.
Oh how tired she was of her insignificance.
In this world of giants and all their magnificence.
Everything was fine, yet, everything wasn't.
Little did she know, her story's ending was unpleasant.
Through wildflowers and grass, she aimlessly wandered.
She continued to walk as she continuously pondered.
What she sought after, was soon, to be.
eyes caught sight of a towering tree.
Tempted, she began to climb with a smile.
It was all going to end in just a little while.
She would scream.
She couldn't wait to conquer it all
Stand atop of the tree, mighty and tall.
However, so lost in her defiant determination
She took a wrong step; her life came to an abrupt termination.
With the snap of a branch and words unspoken
Her feeble body met with the ground broken.
It was said that she was brave, careless too.
Her actions were reckless, only understood by few.
Now flowers grow on her buried corpse.
Her despair finally vanished, replaced with death of course.

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