For Many Things Make Me Happy | Teen Ink

For Many Things Make Me Happy

May 20, 2016
By Joeyy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Joeyy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For Many Things Make Me Happy

Why do I do, what I do?
I seek an answer, but it seems to elude
There always seems to be a duel
Inside of me

A constant confusion filled with illusions
Sometimes I find a temporal solution
But it’s never permanent
And I remember, what people say to me
“Find what makes you happy, permanently”

And I question myself, and scoff at the question
A rhetorical question, one that can’t be answered
And time is running, but time never runs
What can I do?
Is my lover the answer? Is my religion?
Is my job?

And the questions never stop
What will be my legacy? Will I be remembered?
For many things make me happy and many things make me sad
Is that really the question?
What makes me happy?
How can I find
The one true thing that makes me happy

So many paths go untried in one’s life
The perfect one seems to never arrive
How do we know for sure which one is right
I drown in uncertainty, but somehow pull myself out
And I carry on, inch by inch
And I cherish everything in my life
For many things make me happy

The author's comments:

I wrote this due to my uncertainties of what I want to accomplish in life. Many people advice me to find what makes me happy, but it is difficult. I feel this is a temporal phase, but just wanted to write something people can relate as a teen.

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