Alone | Teen Ink


May 18, 2016
By Thisiswhoiam BRONZE, Highland, Utah
Thisiswhoiam BRONZE, Highland, Utah
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Maybe if my smile is bright enough

They will not see what’s wrong with me

They’ll never notice the scars I hide

Or how I feel on the inside

A smile is really all I need

To convince everyone I am happy.


I don’t know why no one looks at my eyes

Can’t they see the sadness they hide?

I am not happy can’t you see?

No one really cares to look at me

They’d never know that I was lying

That secretly, inside I’m dying


But I will just keep smiling till’

Somebody notices but no one will

They’ll say, “Look at that happy girl”

“I swear her smile could light the world”

And no one will notice, but I’ll be gone

Because there was no one to fall back on…

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece based on my past. When I was in 9th grade I struggled with accepting myself. I was bullied and I was the opposite of okay. I wrote this poem because I have noticed how no one ever looks into people's eyes. No one tries to understand how others are feeling. If someone is smiling, everyone thinks they must be happy. But that isn't true. I smiled all of the time, though I was far from happy. Even though this poem is quite sad, I hope people can relate to it and feel some hope that they are not alone. Because you aren't, and you can make it. You're worth being saved.

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