Undisclosed Significance | Teen Ink

Undisclosed Significance

February 18, 2009
By JamesNikko SILVER, San Pablo, California
JamesNikko SILVER, San Pablo, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My undisclosed significance towards
your indescribable tones knocks me deeply
into this cold water bath that I refer to as situation.
Words resonate from a distance measured by friendship,
and quite likely, my ears are caught up with headphones
rotating the latest sounds by an R&B artist expressing his
or her feelings that most often pertains to this so called
love that I've been hearing about.
I told myself that I would never allow
such emotions to erupt from my being,
but these provocations that only I see have caused me
to return to a state that I wish I can forget.
My attempts to develop better insides
are struggling against my heart.
Your choice to accept my starvation for your presence kills me,
knowing that someone else is already consumed by your persona.
You don't need to keep things exciting. I'm already entertained.
Love scowls at my consistent tries. Prove love wrong for me.
It's inevitable, and it's impossible. I love you,
and I can't wait to be in love with you.
But, for now, my mind shall continue
to pursue stronger elements and healthier moods.

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