Miss Hollywood | Teen Ink

Miss Hollywood

February 17, 2009
By left_write BRONZE, Gallipolis, Ohio
left_write BRONZE, Gallipolis, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello famous, I see you’re in the noose.
Leave Hollywood, I’ll cut you loose.
So tortured by the glamour,
So run-up by the glitz.
Promises make good liars.
It’s time for a switch.
Late nights as bar fights, and you still want to win.
Find your house keys as you drag him in.
They call you Miss Hollywood.
You call that right.
So Beauty-on-Hold,
How’s your life?
Broken-down morals
Compliment your broken-up nose.
’Tis all for the best;
So you know.
So you suppose.
Now you vacate the Hills for delusions in pills.
When they find you awake,
You’re still dead, for Hollywood’s sake!
When kicked from the club.
Miss Hollywood at six o’ clock,
So you’ve been dubbed.
With no one to truce,
You’re still in that noose.
They worship abuse.
Time ti cut your self loose.

The author's comments:
I don't see Miss Hollywood as one solitary person, but rather as a bunch. As a 17 year-old of the internet culture I see so many people my age go to Hollywood to get famous... and ultimately fail, falling to the Hollywood life-style. This is their story, told from my view.

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