Smashing Clocks, Savoring Time | Teen Ink

Smashing Clocks, Savoring Time

February 24, 2009
By Matt A BRONZE, Mattawan, Maine
Matt A BRONZE, Mattawan, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Watching my sunny summer tick by..
Looking back where my memories lie

And throwing alarm clocks across the room
It's only noon, I'd assume

We've slept half the day away
And avoiding my work days, here I stay. Peyote herbalist

Enjoying this time
Yet pissed that it's going by'

Sitting and dancing in Shamanistic Circles.
Then soaking in the Saunas of Pleasure and Heat.

(I'd like to see you beat our summer')

Drinking Heavily: The Mountain Dew tastes plus its energy haste.
This time us six friends shared, never a waste.

Shoving friends into the pool.
And jousting in the back with gardening tools.

Preparing a house to be sold.
Remembering these friends of old.

He moves and we lose
That initial bond that we shared.

Torn apart by Women and Interests and Stupid Decisions'
If I could further savor that time, I'd make that summer my life.

The author's comments:
Dedicated To:
Drew W, Eric K, Nate F, Austin L, and Devin S.

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