Flight: a villanelle | Teen Ink

Flight: a villanelle

March 31, 2016
By azhang18 SILVER, Livingston, New Jersey
azhang18 SILVER, Livingston, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Toward the horizon you soar, but I feel withdrawn -
knotted butterflies surge and spill inside,
over the future that we have set upon.


You wildflower, our euphoric bloom, windblown strong -
fleeting across the alpines that day, we immortalized
our future together, that prospect we set upon.


I don’t know if you’ll stay, or for how long,
so enclosed in my chrysalis I remain, tautly tied.
you follow the sun, but I am still withdrawn.


In the orange, birds sing and warble song -
a blue refrain – only then do you see me
following behind, dwelling in the dawn.


The twilight is going, going, almost gone.
Can I continue in these navy-veiled skies,
toward the prospect that we had set upon?


Nightfall wanders slowly, a process long-drawn,
and the starless purple reflects in your eyes.
We meander through shadows; day is now gone -
no longer is the future we had once set upon.

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