This Day | Teen Ink

This Day

February 22, 2009
By Anonymous

The day I walk outside my door
I feel a breeze, a breeze that lifts me off the floor
It carries me far, to heaven's arms
As if I would raise no alarm
I cry and yell out, put me back oh wholly hand,
I do not wish to float in the sky, I strive to land
To walk the moist, dark and cold Earth
The place that signifies my birth
Is it not fair to ask for eternity
An era to grieve, love and understand my natural maternity
Just another moment to follow all my dreams
Complete, elaborate and define everything that seems
Is it not fair to ask for eternity?
As if my day was not enough
I begin to see the outlining journey and I simply huff
For why, oh why me, when I have yearned to see
To watch to cry over the fallen Fall leaves, me
Me, you see, is part of thee, a landmark that breathes,
an existence that is
For when I go I wish to pray to pray for you and I will everyday
You are my angel, my hope and sky
For on this day
I pray for you
For you to never die

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