Diamonds Aren't Forever | Teen Ink

Diamonds Aren't Forever

February 20, 2009
By Sunshine SILVER, Catawba, South Carolina
Sunshine SILVER, Catawba, South Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She puts her make-up on her face
And hides her bruises with ribbons and lace
She puts on a smile as she walks out the door
Truth be told she can't take it anymore
The world is cold and the scars don't fade
Life is the fight death is the reward
Lies don't hurt it's the truth that kills
Diamonds aren't forever and the pain is real
She laughs at jokes and the smile is a lie
When she gets home she's going to cry
Every smile shared has a teardrop counterpart
The truth is she's falling apart
And they promised us happiness and what did we get
A whole life full of regret
The world is cold and the scars don't fade
Life is the fight death is the reward
Lies don't hurt it's the truth that kills
Diamonds aren't forever and the pain is real.

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