The End as I Know It | Teen Ink

The End as I Know It

February 20, 2009
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My heart dropped
My world has stopped
Oxygen has escaped me
It seemed as though the Earth was crashing down around me

I opened my heart to you
With joy and love it was filled

I do not face regret by the decision
It was probably the best one I ever made

The possibility of losing you is great
I got all this love in my heart for just that one person

I could lose everything in just one day
Everything being you

So when I hear that I might be without you
My heart slowly starts to break

What's the point of continuing to make this love, this bond stronger if its just going to break before it was meant to?

I want to love you to the very end
That's the point

You tell me that you're not going to leave
But guilt will strain my mind if you don't.

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