The Withdrawal Effect | Teen Ink

The Withdrawal Effect

March 24, 2016
By Timothy_Jacob GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
Timothy_Jacob GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
18 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I now understand what they mean
When they say “Love is deceiving”
It’s so hard to give up on someone
Who gave you so much to believe in
The constant yelling, crying, and internal pain
Became oh so regular
I was convinced I was sane
Overlooked it so much
I couldn’t even realize the poison in my veins
I let you bite me
And now your venom is my punishment
I now understand what mama meant when she said
If the love is true baby girl,
There will be no rushing it
But I was blindsided
And in denial about my addiction
The sudden rush from your touch
Left my heart and mind in confliction
But now you’re gone
My palms are sweaty
And my body’s shaking
Love is the strongest drug
And the withdrawal is the rudest awakening.

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