Act III: More Blood Shall Shed | Teen Ink

Act III: More Blood Shall Shed

February 22, 2016
By Briona_ SILVER, Norton Shores, Michigan
Briona_ SILVER, Norton Shores, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Giving up does not mean you're weak, It just means you're strong enough to let go"- Unknown

Act III: More Blood Shall Shed

Scene 1
The three witches were right,
But how did Macbeth get his titles over night,
Banquo suspects he cheated his way to become the king within a day.
A feast will take place,
Banquo shall be the guest of honor,
For they shall celebrate the great Macbeth.
Banquo will be gone,
But surely not for long,
He will return in time for the party.
The witches,
Oh they did say,
banquo's son will one day become king.
Banquo and his son’s death shall be near,
For Macbeth is struck with fear,
What if Banquo takes his title of king?
No worries shall there be,
Macbeth calls to thee,
Two murderers shall bring death to Banquo and his son Fleance.

Scene 2
Macbeth is still sad,
He has feelings of unhappiness,
For it was he who brought death to Duncan.
But it shall not be long,
His unhappiness shall be resolved,
Soon Banquo and Fleance will no longer exist.
Macbeth mentions the deed to his lady,
But he shall keep it away,
For lady Macbeth shall not know of the deaths soon to come.

Scene 3
The two murders are on their way,
Through the dark nights of day,
Banquo and his son will pay.
But the two are not alone,
Who is the third murderer,
Do they know?
He claims to know Macbeth,
He knows the plan they must commite,
He is there to help them bring death.
They see the light of the two,
They must do what they do,
They jump out and slash Banquo.
Little do they know,
Fleance has escaped,
But now it's too late.
Banquo is gone,
But the job is not completely done,
What now shall they do?

Scene 4
One by one,
The time has come,
They must tell Macbeth about Banquo’s death and the escape of Fleance.
Macbeth returns to the table,
But he is no longer stable,
He sees the ghost of Banquo.
Lady Macbeth is ashamed,
She orders the others to refrain from listening to the king,
For Macbeth is not well.
He continues to declare,
He is being haunted,
Banquo's ghost remains in the chair.
Macbeth orders him to be gone,
His spouse ask their visitors to leave,
For Macbeth must rest.
The guest all agree,
They all eventually leave,
Macbeth must speak with the Devil’s three witches at the crack of dawn.

Scene 5
The witches meet with the devil,
For she is full of evil,
But she is upset the witches didn't ask for permission to caste the spell upon Macbeth to bring death to the king.

Scene 6
There have been multiple deaths since Macbeth has become king.
His titles are suspicious,
A anonymous ruler wishes to have a private discussion with Lennox,
He tells Lennox about macduff’s connections with England.
Macduff shall go there,
Macduff shall seek help,
Macduff and his helpers shall overthrow Macbeth.

The author's comments:

Macbeth Act III Shrinklit 

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