Oblivious | Teen Ink


February 14, 2009
By Kaitlyn SILVER, CO Springs, Colorado
Kaitlyn SILVER, CO Springs, Colorado
6 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Oblivious is the word

And you are that word's, meaning
Can you not see the things,
That I have been dying to say?

I sit here wondering is it me
Or is it you?
Part of me feels like it is me
But I know it's really you
You sit across from me
Not noticing anything

And just once, maybe just once
I would hope you see it
That way I don't have to say it
I can't put it into words
And even if I could
I don't think I could tell you
So I'll just sit across from you hoping
That maybe one day you'll realize
And say something about it'

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