Happiness is what matters | Teen Ink

Happiness is what matters

February 13, 2009
By jennifer stahle BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
jennifer stahle BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People say that I have changed for the worse,
That I have dark circles under my eys and I am as white as a ghost,
My parent's say I wear to much black, I say I dont wear enough,

What does it matter that I dyed my hair black,
And that I am as white as a ghost,
The circles add a cool edge,
I like my new look,
Besides black has always been my favorite color,
My sister says my frieds are weird,
I say that's why they are my friends,
We understand eachother.

All you need in life is your own personality,
Anyone who says otherwise does not have one,
i like to stir things up and to stand out,
So the music I listen to loud and rude,
That's the point,

If you don't like what I do or say and who I hang out with,
Don't listen or look,
I am not going to change to make others happy,
Because if I am not happy I forgot what's really important.

So I am not the girlie girl I used to be,
I say thank God.
I like the new me, and the new me now has more fun and friends,
Me being happy is what is important,
I am not hurting anyone or anything,
I don't drink and I don't do drugs,
So be happy that I am happy,

I don't try to change you,
So please don't try and change me,
In the end as long as I am happy and not hurting anyone or anything that's all that matters,
And I am happy with my life,
So you should be too.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after I got into a fight with my dad and sister about how much of my clothing is black and how they did not like some of my friends. I wrote this to show them how I felt. After my dad read it, he laid off more. My sister, well that can't be helped.

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