Fluid | Teen Ink


February 15, 2009
By Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moving swiftly through the resound night
Dancers in a weavers dream
Fluid motion swirling through
Liquid center of twirling rings

Lovers moving at an artists pace
Entwined through thick concrete
Audience scumming to the welcome curse

Siblings daring, tromping towards the other
Rage filling then at deceit
Together, ordering
Mesmerizing a crowd around

Fluid motion keeping course
Poets pen, Dancers motion
Through the words of artist's brush
Fragile existence among the dark

True solace found
Upon a yellowed page
A solemn fate, a panel of truth

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