Time | Teen Ink


February 12, 2009
By Elisha Millsom SILVER, Yarmouth, Other
Elisha Millsom SILVER, Yarmouth, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Broken, she waits
Waits for help
Help that never comes

Damaged, he waits
Waits for aid
Aid that leaves him dying

Dying, they wait
Wait for life
Life that has no air

Where has the breath gone
Why is there no air

Gasping, they stare off in the distance
Distance, is what they created
Created, only what they're become

Why not say what you mean for once
Why not tell her you love her
Why run away
Why would you want to die alone
Why not live with her

She's waiting
Waiting for you to come
Come and give her life

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